Historical Artifacts

Photos and Documents

The presentation can also be enhanced with family photos and photos of historical artifacts. Family photos help students connect with the Survivor’s extended family and are especially important. They should be included wherever possible. If artifacts such as Nazi records obtained from the USHMM or other sources, photos of the relevant Concentration Camps, maps, etc. are available, they will contribute to the Student’s understanding of the history and help validate that history.

PowerPoint Presentation

Once the video clips have been compiled and the historical artifacts and documents have been collected, the Speaker will need to begin to develop his/her presentation. The presentation is supported by a Powerpoint Presentation which has the videoclips, artifacts and documents embedded. Remember, it is important for the Speaker to make a connection to the students as well. We suggest including some background about how the Survivor’s history has impacted the Speaker’s life. This keeps the history relevant.  Then, some of the history must be told by the Speaker and the balance supported by the Powerpoint.



How the program works

This concept was tested with Grade 10 students at Sir John A. MacDonald Secondary School in Waterloo, Ontario in November, 2017.  Please watch the following Pilot Project Video which shares the experience as well as the very positive feedback received from Teachers, Staff and Students.